MOPA – art event


I visited MOPA, Museum of Photographic Arts, in Balboa park. My photo teacher advised all of her student to go check it out. It was a really nice exhibit. I spent a lot of time in the Infinite Balance: Artists and the Environment section. There were a few photographers that we had studies who were in that exhibit; like Edward Brutynsky. It was amazing to see how profound some of these photos were. They go so in-depth with the environment and world issues with the environment. There were amazing pictures of giant abandon, falling apart ships. There were pictures of garbage and trash that went to the horizon. Even though it was trash, it was so colorful ad it was seriously pretty. I hate thinking about all of the waste humans create because it just ends up sitting in some giant landfill. There were also really cool pictures of buildings. The particular photo I’m thinking of was one that was clearly a picture of multiple buildings and apartments buildings that were all sky-risers. The picture cut off the ground and the sky so you couldn’t see where these giant buildings began or ended. There had to have been 100 stories in each and that was just the middle of it. It was taken in Tokyo. There were also pictures of stunning landscapes. I was also really drawn to some photos of different Asian destinations. I recently spent time in Thailand and I witnessed a lot of what these photos were displaying- like the people working under bridges, canoeing in beautiful canoes, tons and tons of clothes hanging to dry in the windows and balconies. It was a really cool exhibit. There was also a section of youth art. I was thinking about how excited all of those young kids are to know that their work in being displayed in such a fantastic museum. It is so exciting for them!


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